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MRF & approvals

Customizable MRF for compliance and reporting

Embed custom guardrails and automate approval flows, driving total compliance and visibility into events of all sizes.

Automate approval flows and mitigate risk

Custom fields in the MRF trigger approval flows based on specific parameters. Guide occasional planners and get notified as needed.

Approval requests

Get notified as an admin when your approval is required.

Stay in the loop

Simply stay informed about events you want visibility on. 

Invite collaborators

Automatically invite relevant stakeholders as collaborators for specific event types. 

Dynamic triggers

For example: If alcohol is being ordered, require catering and notify Trust & Safety.

Easy for all to use, robust enough for pros

Customize your MRF to align with company priorities, creating a process that promotes efficiency, adoption, and visibility.

Easy access

Let any company user access the MRF through SSO

Boost adoption

Create a streamlined experience that’s easy for all planners to follow.

Easy setup

No need to wait for an engineer to hard-code your MRF, customize any time.

Adapt to your audience

Customize MRFs to users, brand or country needs, gain visibility into all events.

Accelerate payments and contracting

Make sure all events are approved from the get go,

Active directory integration

Make sure events are always approved by the right stakeholders with an HRIS integration.

Specialist support

A dedicated event specialists oversees all events to ensure compliance at all time.

Multi-level approvals

Require multiple approvals for higher stake events and invoices.

Quick payments

Pay deposits on the spot, with built-in compliance flows.